To really present your users with a nice experience on your site, it is a good idea to make your login form easily accessible. This could mean placing it within the content of a post or page, or perhaps in a sidebar. Render makes it super easy to display a login form wherever you want. […]

Need to display a dynamic list of specific posts, pages or other content? The Query shortcode makes that insanely simple. All you need to do is specify the type of content you want to display by selecting a few simple options and BOOM! You’ve got a list of posts which will always stay up to […]

Displays the date a user registered on your website. Could be used to show your users “You’ve been a member on this site since X/X/X”. For an example of how to use this feature, here’s a tutorial video:

Do you need to display information about a user such as their username, email address or role? This shortcode allows you to select from all the available pieces of information stored for users and automatically render it wherever you want. This is super helpful if you’re building things like account and profile pages where users […]

WordPress has default settings for site information such as the title, tagline and admin email address. Render makes it easy to display these option values anywhere on your site. It is useful to use these shortcodes for displaying information such as the site title and tagline because if the information is ever changed by updating […]

WordPress does a great job of letting us know how many words are in our blog posts as we write them. However, what do you do if you want to display the total number of words in a blog post for your visitors to see? This simple shortcode allows you to display a post’s word […]

Need to make it more obvious when a post was published? Simply insert this shortcode into your post, page or sidebar to display the published date for any given post.

This super handy shortcode allows you to easily insert any specific piece of data relating to a post, right into your content or sidebar with just a couple clicks. Here’s a list of what you can render: The post title The author of the post The post status The post type The excerpt The content […]

One of the most unique and most powerful features included in Render is the ability to selectively display pieces of content only when specific conditions are met. This makes it incredibly easy to take some of your content, like an image, some text, a table of data, an audio file, a link, or anything else, […]

This handy feature allows you to select only certain users who can or cannot see specific content. This can be any kind of content in your posts or sidebars. Text, images, videos, audio, tables, embedded media, links, forms, you name it. Whatever you select will only be visible (or hidden) to the users you choose.