Welcome to our series on creating shortcodes using WordPress. This will be the first of many entries devoted solely to helping you learn to make powerful shortcodes (the right way). In this first example, we’ll walk through the most basic shortcode possible. This shortcode will simply display a specific string of text whenever it is […]

As a service provider I know it is always in my own best interest to provide my customers with something that they are able to use easily and without frustration or confusion. While this is never the reason clients come to me and is never the problem they ask me to ultimately solve, I know […]

I love and hate shortcodes. They are both amazing and awful at the same time. On the one hand, they allow for the inclusion of virtually anything you can imagine within a post’s content. We can go beyond the limits of TinyMCE and basic HTML to include dynamic, sophisticated, elaborate, always-up-to-date, concise elements anywhere we […]